Call for Session and Paper Proposals - LERA 77th Annual Meeting

Posted: June 26, 2024
General Submission Deadline (Sessions and Papers/Posters): November 15, 2024
Other Paper Deadlines: December 15, 2024 and January 15, 2025

Jump to Submission Forms At the Bottom of This Page: Click Here

LERA 77th Annual Meeting
June 12-15, 2025, Seattle, WA
(Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Call for Proposals Flyer Download | Deadline for session proposals is Nov. 15, 2024.

Call for Papers and Posters Flyer Download | Jump to Submission Forms.See Program Committee.

LERA Program Committee Welcomes You!

The Program Committee welcomes session proposals from the best and brightest.

"Promoting Authentic Dialogue in Polarized Times"

The LERA Program Committee welcomes proposals for sessions (and individual papers) addressing the annual meeting’s theme. We seek contributions from a broad range of perspectives and disciplines and encourage proposals incorporating a balance of perspectives, expertise, and content. We also encourage a balance of gender, racial, and generational diversity among the proposed participants. The missions and wide range of expertise of LERA, ILERA, and the FMCS make this meeting an ideal forum for exploring and debating competing and compelling ideas about a way forward. Submissions from multiple disciplines are encouraged, but are not limited to:
Economics • Sociology Political Science Labor and Employment Law Industrial Relations Human Resource Studies  Organizational Behavior and Psychology  Labor Relations  Labor Unions and Social Movements  Work, Globalization, and Migration  Diversity  Work Organization and Management
To encourage thought diversity, participation from a wide variety of perspectives is encouraged.
Program Committee guidelines ask meeting participants to act within a single session in only one role (chair, panelist/presenter, discussant). Additionally, an individual should participate in a given role throughout the entire program (all sessions at the conference) only once. Someone can participate once as chair/moderator, once as panelist/presenter, and once as discussant. This is to ensure broad representation and participation of all members and constituencies. There are a few exceptions to this rule to allow for competition winners, plenaries, etc., but please use this as your guideline when crafting session proposals.

Session Proposals
 Deadline: November 15, 2024



Try our Session Builder Tool!

Would you like to organize a session? Are you interested in speaking at the conference? We have a session builder tool that will help you organizers and speakers connect, coordinate, for the purpose of organizing a session proposal to submit to the program committee. This will not replace the need to submit your session separately to the program committee. (This is not the same form.)

1. Submit details about your own interests.

Go to the Session Builder form:

2. Review what others have submitted.

Log in the LERA website and select My LERA / Review Portal in the red menu bar.
Or, go directly to:
Other paper competitions and their deadlines are below.
LERA Competitive Papers - double-blind, refereed
Deadline: December 15, 2024
(complete papers up to 30 pages)

LERA/AILR Papers Competition
Deadline: January 15, 2025
(paper proposals up to 3 pages)
The special LERA Best Papers edition of the AILR Journal will be created out of winning proposals, and complete papers up to 30 pages due the following April. Winning authors will be invited to present in a special session at the meeting and may earn an invitation to publish.

LERA/ICJI Paper Competition
Deadline: January 15, 2025
(paper proposals up to 3 pages)
The best research proposals on work and climate will be selected with completed papers up to 30 pages due the following April. Winning authors will be invited to present in a special session at the meeting and may earn an invitation to publish.

DCDC Best Student Papers
Deadline: November 15, 2024
*$300 Cash Prize
(complete papers)

LERA Papers
Deadline: November 15, 2024
(paper abstract)
Winners will present in a LERA Best Papers session and be invited to publish their paper in the LERA Proceedings and can compete for journal publication in the ILR Review.

LERA Best Posters
Deadline: November 15, 2024
(paper abstract)
Winners will present in a LERA Best Posters session and be invited to publish an abstract in the LERA Proceedings

Organizers are required to provide a session abstract and description, identify participants (confirmed or invited) and brief contact information at the time of submission for all session participants.

If you have questions about this Call for Proposals, contact:

LERA's Annual Meeting program branched into new formats over the past several years. The long-appreciated format of research papers and discussants lay the foundation to new ways of organizing sessions. Presentations may take a variety of forms including symposia (research paper presentations), panels, workshops, posters, skill-building, debates, roundtable discussions, etc.
The number of tracks and lengths of sessions depends on the quantity and quality of proposals. 

New formats include:
• Facilitated panels, roundtables, or expert lectures including a variety of perspectives
• Workshops, skill-building sessions, or professional development sessions
• Hands-on case studies workshops, like the Arbitrator Panel
• Point/Counter Point debates

The over-arching goal for the annual meeting program: Bring the labor and employment relations experts from all industries and perspectives and discuss how research-based practices improve work environments for everyone.

LERA seeks to provide a professional environment that is diverse and inclusive of all perspectives in the workplace. To that end, we ask that you include race and gender for your session participants, and comment more broadly on if/how your session will increase diversity on the program.
While we have no rules regarding the gender and ethnicity makeup of a single session, LERA will use this information to gauge our progress in creating a more inclusive overall program.
And to offset your workload, we have removed department and all address fields for every session participant except for you, the organizer. We hope this makes the form easier to complete!
Are you looking to diversify the participants you have listed in your session proposal? LERA is gathering perspective, areas of expertise, race and gender information from our members and meeting participants to try to put this at your fingertips in our member directory.

We also have some limited funding to support meeting registration fees and remove financial barriers for under-represented minorities and others who are speaking on the program and could not otherwise afford to participate, so please do let us know if you feel someone in your proposed session needs assistance.

If you would like to contribute to the LERA Diversity Fund to help increase participation at the conference, take this form and designate your contribution to the Gershenfeld fund.

Before submitting your proposal, consider these points:
  1. What is today's date? Session and general paper/poster proposals are not accepted after November 15, 2024. Most competition papers and must be submitted no later than December 15, 2024. (Still other paper competitions are due Jan. 15, 2025 - please see for complete list.)

  2. Collect affiliation and email addresses for all participants of your session in a document before starting the submission form. LERA communicates with all participants at different stages before the annual meeting. Email addresses are crucial for communicating updates.

  3. Sessions in 2025 will be 75 minutes long. Because of this shortened time-frame, please plan for 3 to 4 speaking roles in your research paper session or symposium proposal (i.e. 3-4 papers and no discussant, or 3 papers + 1 discussant). There is no such limit for panels and/or skill-based sessions (or sessions that are not focused on presenting research papers). 

  4. All participants are expected to register for the conference (and pay) even if it is for one day. This requirement raises a one or two questions every year. Our mission focuses on being facilitators of open discussions on LER trends and practices. Our hope is the experts on all sessions will network and share throughout the day and meeting. All attendees benefit. From a practical point of view, with hundreds of program participants, developing criteria for who pays and who doesn't is too challenging, and we price registration as low as possible so that as many people as possible can participate and be heard.

  5. Don't let item #4 discourage you. Most completely understand the requirement. Be upfront when you invite the participants and the rationale for why this is LERA's tradition. Most will register because they will gain more than they give. The experts attending are the cream of labor issues and practice and very few mention any inconvenience. Consider sponsoring your panel's registration(s) through your organization and be recognized as an industry supporter of improving work. Contact LERA (217) 333-0072 or if you are interested in recognition options.

 Start Your Proposal Below!

Please copy and paste from a document where you have collected all your data to make this a simpler process. However, new this year, your information will be saved if you leave and come back.

Nov. 15, 2024
Dec. 15, 2024 - Jan. 15, 2025
Proposals for
Sessions and Papers
Proposals for
Competition Papers

Start Your Session Proposal

Start Your Paper/Poster Proposal

Start Your LERA Competitive Paper Submission*
(Due Dec. 15, 2024)

Start Your LERA/AILR Paper Abstract Proposal*
(Due Jan. 15, 2025)

Start yourLERA/ICJI Paper Abstract Proposal*
(Due Jan. 15, 2025)


* More complete details for individual paper competitions such as LERA Competitive Papers, LERA/AILR Paper Competition, and the LERA/ICJI Paper Competition can be found at the Deadlines page here:

 LERA 77th Annual Meeting Program Committee

Program Committee Chair: John Budd, Univ. of MN and LERA President-Elect

Practitioner Vice Chair: Beth Schindler, FMCS
Academic Vice Chair: Erin Kelly, MIT


Candace Archer, AFL-CIO
Holland Atkinson, Hennepin County
Kate Bahn, Institute for Women's Policy Research
Matthew Capece, United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America
Rassandra Cody, Kaiser Permanente
Rebecca Dixon, National Employment Law Project
Jack Fiorito, Florida State University

Cynthia Hewitt, Morehouse College
Tazewell Hurst, IAMAW
Enrique Lopezlira, University of California, Berkeley
David Madland, Center for American Progress
Mark Pearce, Georgetown Law Center
Lionel Sims, Kaiser Permanente
Christy Yoshitomi, Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service

Ex-officio Members of the Program Committee:

Jim Pruitt, President
Ryan Lamare, Editor-in-Chief
William Canak, NCAC Chair
Hye Jin Rho, Poster Session Chair
Andrew Weaver, Secretary/Treasurer
Administrator: Emily Smith, LERA (non-voting)