LERA Councils

LERA Councils provide leadership and governance for individuals in LERA with interests in a particular industry, sector, or practice/policy domain.  The Councils serve as labor-management committees for a given industry, sector or topical domain with representation by unions, employers, scholars, policy makers, and others. 

LERA Councils are encouraged to meet in person once a year at the LERA Annual Meetings and virtually as appropriate. 

LERA Councils are encouraged to generate proposals for sessions at the LERA annual meetings, webinars on timely topics, updates for LERA Perspectives, programming for LERA Local Chapters, linkage with like-minded groups in society, and other initiatives as appropriate. 

Membership in a LERA Council is open to all members of the national LERA. LERA Councils, like all of LERA, are unique in society by bringing together labor, management, government, scholars, and neutrals in dialogue and action on matters of importance to the community.

Each LERA Council has an E-list comprised of LERA members who have selected to be a part of the particular council. The E-list addresses are listed with each Council below and are available for use for all individuals within that particular council to promote networking and professional conversation.

Here are links to the full range of LERA Councils:

LERA Council Co-Chairs:

Background on LERA Councils

LERA combined our Interest Sections and Industry Councils to form a full array of Councils, which will operate alongside Local LERA Chapters. It was shortly after the 1947 founding of LERA’s predecessor, the Industrial Relations Research Association, that Local Chapters emerged. The first Interest Sections also emerged early on. In 2003, Industry Councils were launched. At the founding of the Industry Councils, the Sloan Foundation Program Officer for this initiative, Gail Pesyna, urged our Association to be bold in our efforts so that each Council can have a positive impact on competitiveness and other societal outcomes. That guidance applies to all of the Councils.

To form a Council, a charter needs to be submitted to the LERA National Executive Board with labor, management and third-party (government, neutral, academic) leadership, along with a list of charter members. 

The activities of the Councils can include:  

  • Organizing/encouraging LERA meeting sessions (with the Council designation on the program)
  • Convening a Council meeting at the LERA annual meetings
  • Developing a LERA webinar during the year on a related, timely topic
  • Drafting a commentary for LERA's Perspectives on Work publication
  • Communicating with other LERA members who have selected the same Council (via an E-list)
  • Launching other initiatives that you might consider, in consultation with the Council co-chairs (listed below) and Bernadette Tiemann from the LERA staff.

Members of LERA interested in participating in a Council or helping to form a Council are encouraged to contact Bernadette Tiemann at the LERA National office ([email protected]).

Airlines, Railroads, and Trucking (Transportation Services)

Council Purpose:

We are committed to promoting constructive dialogue and action on issues of policy, practice, theory and research that lie at the intersection of the interests of labor, management, government, neutrals and scholars in the Aerospace, Airlines, and Trucking industries.

Our overall focus is on workforce, organizational and institutional challenges and opportunities associated with the four core missions of the transportation sector, which are:

  • Enabling the global movement of people and goods
  • Enabling the global acquisition and dissemination of information and data
  • Advancing national security interests
  • Providing a source of inspiration by pushing the boundaries of exploration and innovation in transportation.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Automobiles and Aerospace (Manufacturing)

Council Purpose:

 The Automobiles and Aerospace (Manufacturing) Council Charter is in Development. If you are interested in joining this council as a charter member and helping to determine the direction of its work, please contact the LERA National Office.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Climate, Energy, and Green Jobs

Council Purpose: 

The Climate, Energy, and Green Jobs Council is committed to promoting constructive dialogue and action on issues of policy, practice, theory and research that lie at the intersection of the interests of labor, management, government, neutrals and scholars in the utilities industry.

Our overall focus is on workforce, organizational and regulatory challenges that face the energy (Electric, Gas & Water) industry as a means to insure an adequate supply of green energy in a reliable, secure and affordable manner over the long term for both the public and private sectors. Among some of the substantive issues to be addressed are:

  1. An examination of the current legal, political, structural and community barriers the Energy Industry face in providing (a) low cost, (b) “clean” and environmentally sound, (c) reliable, (d) safe and (e) secure supplies of electricity, gas and water;
  2.  The role labor-management relations can play in enhancing industry efficiency and productivity; and,
  3. The role of human resource management and labor-management relations in securing the safety of the network systems that transport energy resources.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Collective Bargaining

Council Purpose:

The Collective Bargaining Council shall provide a forum for the exchange of ideas about collective bargaining and for the professional education of practitioners and researchers in collective bargaining. The goal of this Council is to advance and disseminate knowledge about collective bargaining, and to improve its processes.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:


Council Purpose:

The Construction Council is committed to promoting constructive dialogue and action on issues of policy, practice, theory, research and education that lie at the intersection of the interests of labor, management, government, neutrals and scholars.

Our scope is all sub-sectors of the national and international construction industry. Our focus is on workforce, organizational and institutional challenges and opportunities associated with the core missions of this industry. These missions are:

  • Building quality projects which provide the highest value for their investment
  • Providing safe employment that provides income and benefits sufficient to support a family
  • Advancing the industry through the use of new technology, business practices and work organization

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Dispute Resolution, Labor and Employment Law

Council Purpose:

The Dispute Resolution, Labor and Employment Law Council provides a forum for the exchange of ideas about dispute resolution and for the professional education of practitioners and researchers in dispute resolution. Our goal is to advance dispute resolution principles, the role of the neutral, and facilitation, mediation and arbitration as vital links in the system of labor and employment relations and to foster knowledge-sharing designed to enhance understanding of the value and role of third-party processes.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Council Purpose: 

The Diversity and Inclusion Council will bring together administrators and labor leaders of all industries with a common interest in creating a network for sharing research and best practices to improve inclusion in the workplace.

 Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Health Care

Council Purpose: 

The Health Care Council will bring together administrators and labor leaders with a common interest in creating a network for sharing research and best practices on labor and employment relations in our field.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Higher Education

Council Purpose:

The Higher Education Council will bring together administrators, labor leaders and intermediaries with a common interest in creating a network for sharing research and best practices on labor and employment relations in our field.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Council Board:

  • Management
    • Rob Gannon, Director, Academic Budgets and Personnel, The University of Montana, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
    • Bill Murphy, Director of Labor Relations, Harvard University
    • LaMarr Q. Billups, AVP, Business Policy and Planning, Georgetown University
    • Barbara Lewis Johnson, Associate Vice President, Human Resources Services, University of Vermont
    • Harry Agnostak, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
  • Union
    • Carl J. Levine, Esq., Partner, Levy Ratner, P.C., New York, NY
    • Bill Jaeger, Executive Director, Harvard Union of Clerical & Technical Workers (HUCTW)
    • Eric Marshall, Labor Relations Specialist, New York State United Teachers
    • Rachel Hendrickson, Ph.D., Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, National Education Association
  • Neutral
    • Karen Jalkut, District Vice President, American Arbitration Association (Boston)
    • Judith Stilz Ogden, J.D., LL.M., MST, Assistant Professor of Business Law, Clayton State University (GA)
    • Gregory M. Saltzman, Aris Professor and Department Chair Department of Economics and Management, Albion College
    • Mary Ellen Benedict, Professor, Bowling Green University
    • Adrienne Eaton, Professor, Rutgers School of Industrial and Labor Relations


Council Purpose:

The Hospitality Council will bring together administrators and labor leaders with a common interest in creating a network for sharing research and best practices on labor and employment relations in our field.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

International and Comparative Industrial Relations

Council Purpose: 

The International and Comparative Industrial Relations Council of LERA is a group of LERA members whose interest lies in the field of international and comparative employment relations. The Council exists to promote dialogue, research, and evaluation of international institutions and processes in employment relations and to encourage the comparative analysis of employment relations systems and types.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

K-12 Education

Council Purpose: 

The K-12 Education Council will bring together administrators, labor leaders and intermediaries with a common interest in creating a network for sharing research and best practices on labor and employment relations in our field. 

Council Leadership:

Council Resources: 

Labor Markets and Economics

Council Purpose: 

The Labor Markets and Economics Council shall provide a forum for the exchange of ideas about interest area and for the professional education of practitioners and researchers in that interest area.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Labor Studies and Union Research

Council Purpose: 

The Labor Studies and Union Research Interest Council is a group of LERA members from various disciplinary backgrounds whose interest and focus is the study of labor unions, collective bargaining, and related issues. Our intent is to provide a forum for dialogue, networking, learning, and encouragement for academic, practitioner and student members to participate in our professional community.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Public Sector

Council Purpose: 

We are committed to promoting constructive dialogue and action on issues of policy, practice, theory and research that lie at the intersection of the interests of labor, management, government, neutrals and scholars in the public sector, including federal, state, and local government.

Among some of the substantive issues to be addressed are:

  1.  An examination of the interplay between public policy, legislation, and labor relations and practice
  2. Trends in union organizing
  3. Trends and practice in collective bargaining and other dispute resolution processes 

Council Leadership:

Council Resources: 

Council Board:

  • Open (Management)
  • Open (Management)
  • George Fox, RDS Services (Labor)
  • Open (Labor)
  • Cheryl Massena, Arbitrator/Mediator (Neutral)
  • Joe Wilson, FMCS (Neutral)
  • Joe Trejo, FMCS (Neutral)
  • Jeff Keefe, Rutgers University (Academic)
  • Open (Academic)

Social Impact Organizations (NGO's, Foundations, Unions)

Council Purpose: 

The Social Impact Council promotes dialogue, raises awareness and advances the education around current labor and employment trends at social impact organizations. We encourage labor, management and neutrals to join this Social Impact community if you are involved in an NGO, Foundation, Union, Non-profit or any organization that has a social impact mission. This Council will host regularly scheduled meetings to stay current with trends, develop content for next year’s annual LERA conference and develop ways to connect and educate with others in social impact organizations to improve labor relations.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Sports and Entertainment

Council Purpose: 

The Sports and Entertainment Council will develop relevant programming for sessions during the LERA National Meeting and provide a forum for dialogue, networking, learning, and encouragement for academic, practitioner and student members to participate in our professional community.

Council Leadership:

 Council Resources:

Teaching (Pedagogy)

Council Purpose: 

The Teaching Interest Council will develop programming relevant to teaching in higher education and outreach for sessions during the pre- or post-conference portions of the LERA National Meeting, as well as to submit session proposals for consideration during the regular conference program. 

The council will establish links with appropriate LERA Chapters and professional associations and engage in other activities such as:

  • Promote and develop session proposals for national LERA meetings
  • Create a Repository of information: exercises; cases; handouts; articles related to labor and employment relations; articles related to teaching
  • Assist in the development of teaching workshops for graduate students, practitioners and faculty
  • Encourage pedagogical research related to labor and employment relations
  • Explore technological innovations that enhance student learning

 To support the broader mission of the National LERA. 

Council Leadership:

Council Resources:

Work, Human Resources, and Organizations

Council Description:

Work, Human Resources, and Organizations (WHRO) Council is a constituent organization of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA). It provides a multidisciplinary forum for dialogue and collaboration on issues related to work, human resources, employment relations, and organizational management. WHRO emphasizes the value of workplace-based trends through analysis and exploration of policy, labor, and management practices. The focus is grounded in real-world workplace contexts and integrating diverse perspectives which address complex issues in employment relations.

Council Leadership:

Council Resources: 

Council Purpose and Goals:

WHRO Council is committed to advancing principles of workplace civility, collegiality, and the fair and equitable treatment of workers. This includes supporting collective representation, advocating for workers as essential contributors to value creation, and fostering systems that promote employee engagement, achievement of personal and organizational goals, and equitable value sharing. The Council aims to explore and promote strategies that align worker success with organizational growth.

Key Activities

WHRO Council engages in a variety of initiatives to fulfill its mission, including:

  • Facilitating Professional Development: Hosting sessions at LERA's annual meetings, webinars, and seminars to foster knowledge-sharing among practitioners, researchers, and policymakers.
  • Promoting Research and Education: Encouraging workplace-based research that explores innovative policies and practices, with an emphasis on actionable insights.
  • Publishing Thought Leadership: Contributing to LERA’s Perspectives on Work and other relevant platforms to disseminate research findings and inform broader audiences.
  • Building Inclusive Networks: Welcoming contributions from diverse disciplines, industries, and countries to support a global and inclusive perspective on workplace issues.
  • Supporting Emerging Trends: Addressing contemporary challenges in the workplace, such as automation, the gig economy, and the evolving nature of collective bargaining.
  • Engaging Stakeholders: Collaborating with LERA Chapters, professional associations, and third-party stakeholders to foster interdisciplinary approaches to workplace innovation.

Structure and Membership:

WHRO Council operates under the guidance of at least three co-chairs representing management, labor, and third-party perspectives. Its membership includes a minimum of 12 individuals from various sectors, ensuring a multidisciplinary and international approach. The Council meets annually at the LERA conference and holds additional virtual meetings to support ongoing initiatives and community engagement.

Vision for the Future:

WHRO Council seeks to remain adaptive to emerging workplace trends and issues, continually updating its strategies and initiatives to reflect the changing landscape of work. By fostering collaboration across disciplines and sectors, the Council strives to be a leader in advancing fair labor practices, innovative human resource strategies, research initiatives, and effective organizational management.

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