Industry CouncilsImpacting Industries NationallyIndustry Councils represent a bold initiative for the LERA, building on a long tradition of industry-focused analysis and publications by the Association. A network of tri-partite industry councils is organizing, with efforts already underway in
Enabled with a major grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, this initiative represents a key structural addition to the Association - complementing the work of the National Organization, the Local Chapters, and the various Sections that have been established. Certainly, the competitive and employment dynamics of different industries warrant industry-specific analysis and action. This is a been a key motivation behind the efforts of the Sloan Foundation to establish a broad range of "Industry Centers" in different universities, as well as other support for the concept of "Industry Studies." In speaking to the LERA National Executive Board, the Sloan Foundation Program Officer for this initiative, Gail Pesyna, urged our Association to be bold in our efforts so that each Industry Council can have a positive impact on competitiveness and other societal outcomes in each industry. To form a council, a charter needs to be submitted to the LERA National Executive Board with labor, management and third-party (government, neutral, academic) leadership, along with a list of charter members. The activities of the Councils will include a number of relevant LERA activities, such as meeting during the pre-session before the annual LERA national meeting, proposing one or more industry panel sessions for the Annual Meeting and the National Policy Forum, promoting dialogue on industry-specific issues on the LERA electronic listservs, contributing articles to the LERA newsletter or Perspectives on Work, and working with local LERA chapters on programming relevant to a given industry. In addition, the Councils may link with the Sloan Industry Centers and help advance key workforce issues in the industry, such as training, safety and quality. The Industry Councils initiative is complementary to the various sections that have been established, including the Work and Employment Relations Network, which was also set up with support from the Sloan Foundation. This initiative is also well aligned with current efforts by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS), the United States Department of Labor and other Federal agencies to address industry-specific matters. Where appropriate, an Industry Council may seek funding from foundations, its constituents, or other sources - with the aim of sustainable operations by each Council. Members of the LERA interested in participating in a Council or helping to form a Council are encouraged to contact the LERA National office. Airlines, Railroads, and Trucking (Transportation Services)PURPOSE: Our overall focus is on workforce, organizational and institutional challenges and opportunities associated with the four core missions of the transportation sector, which are:
LEADERSHIP: Automobiles and Aerospace (Manufacturing) Industry CouncilPURPOSE: LEADERSHIP: Construction Industry CouncilWe are committed to promoting constructive dialogue and action on issues of policy, practice, theory, research and education that lie at the intersection of the interests of labor, management, government, neutrals and scholars in the Construction Industry. Our scope is all sub-sectors of the national and international construction industry. Our focus is on workforce, organizational and institutional challenges and opportunities associated with the core missions of this industry. These missions are:
LEADERSHIP: Health Care Industry CouncilThe LERA has called for management, union, neutrals, and academics to collaborate on Health Care Industry Council. This Council will bring together administrators and labor leaders with a common interest in creating a network for sharing research and best practices on labor and employment relations in our field. Chairs
Hospitality Industry CouncilThis industry council is currently in formation. Please contact [email protected] with your interest. K-12 Education Industry CouncilThe LERA has called for management, union, neutrals, and academics to collaborate on K-12 Education Industry Council. This Council will bring together administrators, labor leaders and intermediaries with a common interest in creating a network for sharing research and best practices on labor and employment relations in our field. Chairs
Higher Education Industry CouncilPURPOSE: LEADERSHIP: Co-Chairs Advisory Board Management
SUBCOMMITTEES Labor Issues in International Development Public, four-year institutions Neutral Private, four-year institutions Tenured Faculty Gender Issues HEIC Issues and Topics for Discussion Research Opportunities
Discussion Topics
LERA Membership For All Other Questions Public Sector Industry CouncilWe are committed to promoting constructive dialogue and action on issues of policy, practice, theory and research that lie at the intersection of the interests of labor, management, government, neutrals and scholars in the federal public sector. The Federal Public Sector Industry Council will focus on how the dynamics of human resource management and labor-management relations affect the capability and performance of federal public organizations. It will assess how alternative approaches can affect such capability and performance. Among some of the substantive issues to be addressed are: (1) the changing rules of human resource management and labor-management relations in the federal public sector; Chairs
Social Impact (Non-profit) Industry CouncilThis industry council is currently in formation. Please contact [email protected] with your interest. Sports and Entertainment Industry CouncilThis industry council is currently in formation. Please contact [email protected] with your interest. Chairs
Utilities Industry CouncilWe are committed to promoting constructive dialogue and action on issues of policy, practice, theory and research that lie at the intersection of the interests of labor, management, government, neutrals and scholars in the utilities industry. Our overall focus is on workforce, organizational and regulatory challenges that face the utilities (Electric, Gas & Water) industry as a means to insure an adequate supply of energy and water resources in a reliable, secure and affordable manner over the long term for both the public and private sectors. Among some of the substantive issues to be addressed are: (1) An examination of the current legal, political, structural and community barriers the Utilities Industry face in providing (a) low cost, (b) “clean” and environmentally sound, (c) reliable, (d) safe and (e) secure supplies of electricity, gas and water; Chair
Social Impact Organizations (NGO's, Foundations, Unions)Sports and EntertainmentHospitality Industry Council |